I’m a nanotechnology, catalyst, systems, and instrumentation expert in Boston, MA. I enjoy LED artwork and taking stuff from a scientific concept to an engineering prototype.
To avoid spam, please use the form to the right in order to reach me for personal or hobby related reasons. Sorry, posting my email address was drawing too much spam. I’m very happy to discuss LED lighting projects whether you’re a fellow artist looking for an extra set of hands or a beginner wondering what CIE colorspace is. I also love talking about martial arts and peculiar materials science.
If you’re interested in hiring me professionally to help you with your startup, I excel at helping a very small company (even just you) put together a compelling prototype and basically fill in for a team while you build it up. Then I will train up your newly hired team and make myself redundant so that you can smoothly transition from a single person startup with an idea into a company manufacturing a product.